Our Team

David Heden
Founder & CEO

David Tucker
General Counsel

Francisco Grau
Director of Operations - Costa Rica

Emily Johnson
Director of Operations - Canada

Ashley Ientile
Executive Assistant


Our Plant Medicine Pledge

With intention to maintain and promote spiritual connection in ceremony. We vow to listen deeply to the plants and their keepers. Elders say that ceremonies are the way we “remember to remember”.

We are in service, and we honor the spiritual connection of ceremonial and ritualistic use of plant medicine. In harmony with nature and accepting of the divine process. We respect Traditional Medicines, rituals, lineage and reciprocity. With loving teachings of empowerment, we focus on preparation, ceremony, integration and after care. This is of utmost importance.

The give and take with the land is respected and the relationship with the land is prioritized. Sacred teachings emphasize that we did not inherit the earth from our ancestors: we borrow it from our children.

We will be guided with intention, with reverence for the indigenous cultures and people who are originally from and born on the land. The sacred soil holds value as it is deeply connected to source and to creation.